

Originally posted on Archive of Our Own

Rating: General Audiences
Additional warnings: None Apply
Additional category: NB x M
Fandom: Uuultra C
Relationship: Isshiki Suzu x Chotsugai Shirou
Minor Ships:
Characters: Isshiki Suzu, Chotsugai Shirou
Additional Tags: Kissing, Pre-Canon, Childhood, Microfic
Publication Date: 03/02/2023
Word Count: 496
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Belle kissing Shirou better.

“Belle-chan!” Shirou called over to her, waving his gloved hand as he broke away from his parents to run through the snow. He’d gotten a new snow suit, making him look about twice as bulky as usual, that probably cost his family a fair bit. His brother had one to match, though he seemed to be struggling far more as he clung to his father’s hand. Shirou was only holding up slightly better, almost tripping over his own snow boots as he tried to pull them free of the snow.

Belle pulled her mother’s cardigan tighter round herself as the wind changed.
“Almost there-” Shirou fell face first into the snow with a yelp. Belle grabbed her wellies, shoving them on before running out into the snow. She didn’t struggle half as much with getting through the snow, not even slipping on the well-trodden ice. She grabbed his arm, pulling him up and pushing him back onto his feet.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Shirou said, but put out his hand for her to take. She held it as he stepped through the rest of the snow slowly, then kept hold of it as she led him across the ice and into the house.

“Ber- Belle-chan,” Shirou’s mother corrected herself as she leaned down at the door to address her. “Is your mother about?”
“She’s in the living room.” Shirou’s mother nodded and straightened up, staring at them both for a few seconds.
“How about you and Shirou go and play while we talk?”

Belle looked over to where Shirou was taking off his snow boots, seeing him suddenly freeze up. He’d already been bright red from the cold, but the way he was suddenly chewing his lip had the same effect. Shirou’s brother, meanwhile, was pouting and clinging to their father.

Maybe Belle’s last trick had been a little too much. Good. If it meant she got Shirou to herself without him annoying them, it was worth it.

She grabbed Shirou’s hand as soon as he got his jacket off and pulled him down the hall to her room while the adults went to talk about whatever they talked about. They were expected to be on set at noon, she didn’t have time to waste.
“Belle-chan, my nose is still cold,” Shirou pouted as she closed the door. Right, right. She kissed it better for him, him tapping his feet in response. He took her hand, stretching up a little to kiss her cheek.
“Your mouth is cold, too.” Belle rubbed her cheek where he’d kissed, trying to warm the cold spot up. When she looked back to Shirou, he was close to tears, frowning with his mouth slightly open.

Ah. She’d wiped off his kiss.

Shirou hiccupped slightly. Seriously? He was going to cry over it?

Belle held back a sigh before grabbing his face and awkwardly cramming their faces together, landing a quick kiss on his lips.

“That should heat them up.”

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