
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger

Publication Date: 21/02/2020


I’m hurt that this was such a meh show to me because I was genuinely interested at the start and then it just… didn’t meet any expectations. It just wasn’t interesting and by the end it was a complete slog to finish, that I almost just accepted I would never finish it. But I did it and I don’t feel any better for doing so. The villains weren’t even interesting enough to care about, I even toyed with not talking about the rangers individually.

I was interested by Red at the start. Acting as our overly optomisitic newbie to the team who can talk to animals. I thought the plot of him automatically becoming leader despite not experience would play into literally anything. But no, just suddenly in the series his personality flips 180 to the super serious leader with no development to get him there. I feel we missed out on what could of been the best of his character.
Yellow meanwhile was Red's complete opposite, starting as the serious true leader who hated that some newbie with no experience was getting put in charge. While leadership battle in sentai are tired, they set up something that could of been interesting and really made them grow together as characters rather than being a run of the mill plot.

But then, randomly, he became the group goofball with no lead to opening him up or making him relax.

I liked White at the start, I mean martial arts girl isn't the most original but still!

And then we had an episode where Blue jokingly called her “princess” and she had a full blown temper tantrum like an actual 3 year old. Kicking, screaming, saying she hates them, she wont play with them anymore, and sitting on the floor refusing to move. What on Earth happened?

Blue was pretty much my favourite of the cast, if anything he was at least consistent. He's young, he's a goof, but he's competent regardless. He's able to pull Black up and they will achieve things together. He also got the cool helmet smash so he gets points for that.
Black is Goof 2. He's still scoring higher than other members of the cast because he's consistent and at least fun. He's Blue's counterpart and that's points.
Silver sure had potential. We love a reformed villain ranger, we love a wolf ranger. Why after 1000 years will he not leave this pool place? We just don't know. Most his point in the story started to feel like is here for the hetero baiting and because he's God's chosen man. Which isn't half as interesting as it is in Agito. I wonder what happened to his puppy.

I’m sorry to say, I can’t recommend Gao. I don’t think there’s really anything there for anyone.

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