
Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoV

Publication Date: 08/07/2020


I sped through this show so much faster than usual and I’m not even sure what caused that. I love the family dynamics, I love having a show that’s actually got strength in protraying siblings. The perk of more siblings is writers don’t end up writing two siblings as being overly co-dependent. They’re able to balance the relationships better and make a healthier family dynamic. The villain dynamics though, God, they were getting to me. The Psyma siblings just deserved so much more than being forced to compete to impress an uncaring mother. Them finally turning on her because she so clearly didn’t care about them when they were all each other had. Zylpheeza broken and controlled but finally recognising Drop and desperately wanting to reach out for the little brother he’d loved before they’d been forced against each other. They all deserved better and that family bond GoGoFive were always preaching about.

Matoi is like the weak point in terms of characters in the show it feels. It's also well acknowledged he's only the leader because he's the oldest and most experienced firefighter. I'm glad that we did end on him getting the acknowledgement that he had to raise this family on his own from 16 and despite everything he did a great job. He kept them all together and they all turned out great.
Nagare is also one of the weaker siblings but obviously a necessary part. He's so much like their dad except he's smarter and doesn't abandon them. You know he constantly wants what's best for them all. Also to show off how ridiculously smart he is at every opportunity.
The middlest brother, robot lover, monster lover, the perfect sibling. Shou is so good-hearted and dumb. He just wants to help. Even then though, he'll talk back to Matoi and take control of situations if he has to. Shou and Matsuri's relationship is so precious, I'm so glad they're just so close. The bonds of the youngest siblings really shows so well. Them doing their horoscopes and menacing monsters together just because they find it funny; they're precious.
At some point, they realised Daimon crying and getting beaten up was everything the housewives in the audience wanted to see. They went so ham on it. Almost every episode after a point features Daimon crying at some point. He's just a complete loveable crybaby. He ends up as the big emotional core of the family because he just takes everyone's lives so seriously. He's far too good-hearted for the police, he could never hope to harm someone even if they're a criminal.
Matsuri deserves better than her brothers treat her around the house, but outside of that their relationships are good. She's still close as hell with her brothers and will mess about with Shou just to cause chaos for fun. Also she's a paramedic at like 22, which I'm just going to put in her favour for how good she is. She's already helping the local district to make changes in how the ambulance team is structured to minimalise deaths, she's doing amazing for herself. It's unfair that their dad forced them all out of their jobs for a year.

Please watch GoGoFive, I’m very lonely in my love for this show. I never expected to enjoy it so much but it really did just get to me.

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