
Kamen Rider Amazons

Publication Date: 12/01/2019


The namesake of my blog, my absolute favourite Kamen Rider series. I love this series so much. I love my cannibal riders and words just can’t express how much I enjoy the series.

And I wont forgive Amazon Prime International for their decision to steal subtitles and have horrific inaccuracies in their stolen subs.

How on Earth did you translate something wrong when it was in English


Now, I have a full post, explaining how Amazons works as a metaphor for being queer. You should read it, you really should. It has a lot of thoughts on all the amazon characters and will probably give you the clearest idea of how much this season means to me. If you’re in doubt, I’ve seen this a minimum for 14 times. I’ll probably watch it 14 more times. Maybe more. This is the Kamen Rider version of my love for the 1999 film “Ravenous”. Both are cannibalism, so maybe I’m a bit biased.

A lot of Amazons strongest points are in how it addresses the amazons as a prosecuted minority group. It’s not at all a faithful take on the original Amazon series. It took some of the designs from Amazon, changed them, and did something completely new. It was never trying to be an adaption and that was for the better.

Once again, my essay goes more in-depth about each character, so read that for my full thoughts. Here you will get the brief thoughts.

I love Haruka so much, he’s so cute and he just knows absolutely nothing, like genuinely nothing. Everyone is shouting at him like he’s meant to know stuff and he just doesn’t. He doesn’t understand all this complex morality stuff, he’s trying very hard to have friends and eat. Stop putting the burden on this 2 year old. He tries so hard to keep up but he’s thrown into a tough and complex world and just has to adapt the best he can. He has to abandon all he knew and quickly develop his own morals in an extremely violent environment.

I knew he was trouble when he walked in, but I underestimated what a walking disaster this egg man was. I love him but he just makes every bad decision he can. Honestly, it’s an achievement.

Jin does make for such an interesting, complex character. We’re introduced to him as this violent hero, that does whatever he wants and doesn’t listen to reason because he sticks to such tight morals. Then it develops into how that’s all based on his own self-hatred. He’s a man who’s suffering and there could have been other options for if he hadn’t got himself so wrapped up in his self-hatred.

Also he’s real handsome-

Honestly, Asahina gave a stellar performance. I love Jun, he’s up there in my favourites, I have all the sigma stuff I can because I love him. Thank you, Jun.

Who on earth is this->

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