
Kamen Rider Ex-Aid

Publication Date: 12/01/2019

Ex-Aid is a beautiful disaster of a show. It’s an absolute mess. It contradicts itself, it seems to have a very vague idea of what a video game. The premise of “what if humans caught computer viruses” is pretty decent. Then we just slowly fall into absolute nonstop nonsense.

It’s a wild ride from start until… I don’t truly believe Ex-Aid is over. I think there’ll always be more Ex-Aid to come.

But over the years, that’s become an issue. Ex-Aid is a lightning in a bottle series. Takahashi clearly ran out of ideas for this show very early and had to start faffing to fill time. The writing isn’t naturally good. What makes Ex-Aid good is a cast that elevate it at every opportunity. Tetsuya Iwananga gave Kuroto everything he is and kept pushing to make him bigger and bolder in a way that Takahashi would be chasing after in subsequent series. Hiroki Iijima put all his acting skill into Emu (compared to his performance in Prince of Legend) and brought the character to life. Everyone else did the same for their characters and it was truly something special because of that.

Unfortunately, as previously stated, Takahashi would continue to chase after that lightning time and time again but has yet (Oct. 2022) to produce anything close to a similar result. The desperation to capture it is pulling down his writing constantly. He’s become dependant on something that will never be.

Takahashi’s writing on its own is inconsistent, muddied, and he forgets plot details. He reverses character development as soon as an arc is over. The characters in Mighty Novel X can be unrecognisable as the characters we watched grow in the show.

Emu is a complex character throughout the show. He’s always trying his best to be kind, but he’s got a very cruel side to him. He’s someone that wants to be good and do good but is flawed. He wants everyone to work together but settles when they don’t. He never truly gets that connection with Hiiro or Taiga. He doesn’t have any issues with killing Parad other than he can’t without losing his powers. So he just traumatises him and is more than happy to just put a training collar on him when offered. He’s just gonna put up with Kuroto forever. Everything is happening to him so much, he’s had chronic depression since childhood, he tried to kill himself when he was 8, he almost failed out of his dream job because he was too depressed and just spent all his time on video games. I say he’s not my favourite protagonist but he’s got such an energy for just depressed little man that’s always doing his best even though his best sometimes ain’t great.

Hiiro has this potential, like there’s many points in the series I thought “Finally, Hiiro’s going to sort this out and start to recover”. The issue is, Ex-Aid desperately doesn’t want Hiiro to grow as a person, and would rather he continually relapses into his misery over the death of a girlfriend he never cared for when she was alive. Even after she has told him directly that she wants him to stop it and give up on her and move on with his life.

Ex-Aid writers, why did you write this if you weren’t going to actually let him do it?

Taiga I feel more for. Kamen Rider Snipe definitely aided his story and let us see why he is who he is. He’s also a really good brother character for Nico, and it feels really unnecessary for them to push a romance between the two. I’m glad that got trampled down in specials and movies and they were allowed more of their sibling relationship.

Dusk also pointed out Taiga is just constantly squinting (when Ukyo does not) and we noted Taiga never seems to notice things until Nico points to them. Taiga needs glasses, that’s what I’m getting at. That man has his little sister acting as his eyes because he won’t just go to an optician.

This one is the angel that made me keep watching this show. I loved him instantly. This gay bike is the only reason they achieved anything in this show, without him they’d of never worked out a single one of the mysteries. He worked out like half the twists in the series in like a month. Kiriya is the only true genius in Ex-Aid (Show and Rider).

God cursed my home by making everyone in this series semi-related via his OCs (or their own OCs). I love him more than words can say.

Someone save me.

i don’t like poppy

I love Nico so much, she will fight everyone she can and came in here ready to hire a hitman to take down Emu. She’s also the only one who could beat rider chronicle and they had to nerf her. A horrible choice, I say we let Nico destroy Gamedeus with her own two hands.

I also don’t actually hate her going off with Luke because I don’t really see it as her getting into a relationship or anything. I took it as her expanding her opportunities and getting some of her independence back after, y’know, repeated hospitalisation. I wish they’d wrote it different to reflect that but noooo we have to have silly romance and her getting harassed. I’m just saying I don’t see her going as accepting those feelings, not suggesting I like Luke.

If you choose to watch Ex-Aid, please watch the extras as well (except for Brave, which adds nothing to the story) because that’s the only way you’re getting the full story of Ex-Aid. You also need to read the novel which contradicts a load of the series but does add backstory details.

I’d say try Ex-Aid but just sit back and expect the wild ride.

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