
Kamen Rider Kiva

Publication Date: 14/11/2020

I’m not entirely sure what happened in Kiva. Well, I know that Toshiki Inoue happened. This is what we get when we put Toshiki Inoue in charge of anything. The plot makes more sense than 555 but it’s still a pretty loose plot for the entire show. We’re mostly here to watch Wataru grow and to suffer under Otoya.

I am now stuck considering if Toshiki Inoue is the modern Shakespeare. Just in terms of his comedies. I think that’s where he is spiritually.

Wataru is a sweet baby boy who has done no wrong ever in his life. You have never met someone who felt so threatened by being overly accepted after coming out.

It’s an experience just watching Wataru grow from a complete shut in that’s completely terrified of the world to confidently standing up to protect those he loves. He makes so many friends and I’m proud of him.

Otoya on the other hand is a terrible man and a con artist. Everywhere he goes, he plays his one song on his violin and walks away with everyone’s wallet. He flirts with anything with a pulse. Otoya’s life mission is to upset everyone.

I love this man so damn much. He made this show so damn entertaining. I don’t care for his relationship with Maya but I’ll admit I got soft on him and Yuri. Otoya almost made me give the hets rights.

I have never been so shocked to learn a character would make such a loving father.

Megumi, honey, I am so sorry for how dirty this show did you. You deserved so much more than you were handed and it’s not fair. You’ll always be the true IXA user in my heart.

Her marrying Nago is absolute bullcrap. I simply will not believe that it happened. I did love her working together with him to direct him in fights and I preferred them as a team to a couple.

Yuri was luckily treated considerably better than her daughter. She still barely gets to use the IXA suit, but they make up for it by letting her be a central character. She’s a great counterpart to Otoya and constantly destroying him.

Yuri deserved happiness, she deserved that absolute world. She was the most heroic character in the entire 1986 cast.

He Is Nago Keisuke.

I unfortunately loved him.

Nago grows so much throughout this show. He goes from not wanting all these boys calling him their dad when he’s only 22, to supporting them and giving them advice in the milk bath.

He also goes from trying to return sinners to the Lord, to being abandoned by God, to having to kill a Bishop, to being back on God’s good side and the king of kings healing his sight.

Nago experiences of much growth but I get to enjoy him constantly screaming.

Do I really forgive Jiro? No.

However, his friendship with Otoya and him occassionally showing up to try and support Wataru got me soft. Him and Otoya are just such a funny duo together it’s great to watch and I loved how they played off each other. Also, I love that Otoya managed to unbutton Jiro’s shirt and rob him without Jiro even noticing.

Kengo didn’t deserve to be hopper-fied. That was a serious mistake they made. I did enjoy how it made Nago so petty, but I would have preferred they did something better with Kengo. He also kind of just gets forgotten about.

He’s a stupid kid but his heart is ultimately in the right place. He’s stupid and petty and could be a better person but he just has a lot of growing still left to do. I just want him and Wataru to be best friends.

King doesn’t have much to offer but like his outfit is incredibly sexy so I’m alright with including him here (also because he’s technically Taiga’s counterpart I guess). I kind of enjoyed him being such a petty villain of “screw you I never loved you anyway” but I wish they’d kind of stuck with that? Instead of making him petty and threatening Taiga; just have him insert himself in the middle of things.

I think King should have seduced Otoya to really get at Maya and make this love triangle worse.

Taiga has zero functional brain cells. He only knows being king and love for brother. If it isn’t about one of those two things, he doesn’t know about it. Is that person he tried to kill actually dead? He doesn’t know. That’s nothing to do with being king or his brother so what does he care?

I love him so much.

Overall: Maybe don’t spring into Kiva if you haven’t experienced an Inoue work before. Unless you really like bullcrap. Once you’re emotionally ready for Toshiki Inoue; this is the show you watch.

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