
Uchu Sentai Kyuranger

Publication Date: 12/01/2019

Before I say anything else; I enjoyed watching Kyuranger.

This does not make it a good show.

Kyuranger is full of bad decisions and things they just shouldn’t of done. The first one is we don’t need 12 rangers. We don’t need 12 rangers in one sentai, because the biggest fault of kyuranger is that we don’t have time for developing 6 of them. It was too ambitious for a single series. Also the tone and pacing was a complete mess.

Sadly, I have set these up where I give my opinion of Every ranger.

Lucky very much made me consider giving up Kyuranger at the start. I was fully convinced I wasn’t getting through Kyuranger because of how much I had to hear “よっしゃラッキー”. However, I came back, and Lucky grew on me. He’s nice and high energy so there’s something to love under the endlessly repeated catchphrase.

Stinger is my favourite character and his arc is my favourite part of the show. I love Stinger and honestly I would of taken a miniseries of him as the main character where we could work on his trauma and recovery. I’d of actually taken him as main character for a full series if it meant we didn’t just write off all his trauma with a party.

Garu existed in Kyuranger. He certainly was in love with Lucky and then had a pup with some woman.

I’m doing these by number so I have to talk about Balance and Naga separately, I don’t like that. I love Balance, him and Naga had one of the more unique arcs in the show with the least amount of blatant recycling. I really enjoyed watching Balance develop and care so much about Naga.

I hate Champ. Yes, I know he’s the fan favourite. I don’t like him though.

I don’t like talking about them separately they’re such a pair. I loved watching him learn about emotions and experience so much and be taken by his desires and I just loved him so much.

She was in the show. I can confirm that much.

I think she was allowed to wear the suit like twice. She’s mostly just here for romance plots that go mostly nowhere. Funny otaku girl.

Spada was sorta here too. Sometimes he put jelly beans in multicoloured potatoes.

We didn’t even get much with Shou either. I like Shou but really he didn’t get to do anything. He’s just here for us to make jokes about him being old when he’s not even second oldest.

Kotaro. Remember when Stinger told you you should be a good brother and look after Jiro. Remember how important that was Kotaro? Because you sure abandoned Jiro. Then got sent off to space school for a bit and ultimately barely got to do anything.

We don’t need two red rangers. I actually liked Tsurugi but we already had this plot with every other character that got a character arc. He could of been so much more. Yet he was still a show stealing red.

I don’t know if I recommend Kyuranger. I recommend certain episodes and arcs, particularly Stinger’s and Balance-Naga’s. Everything else is kind of just too messy for me to fully want to recommend and it has so many problems in every aspect. If you like it, as I do, I don’t judge you though.

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