
Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger

Publication Date: 11/02/2019

I think I can honestly say LvP well subverted my expectations. I really did expect the two teams to eventually have to team up, but I also expected them to work out who the Lupins were sooner. However, apparently all you need to avoid being caught by the police is 10% of your face covered.

My favourite in the series had also immediately been Zamigo, and in LvP’s need to subvert my expectations they decided to make him barely in the show until the final act despite the fact he was the direct cause of the plot.

LvP’s writing is messy and basically the entire middle is filler that could of been spent better. I did enjoy the show though and at least the filler was fun so I still enjoyed watching it when the plot wasn’t advancing.

As expected of a red ranger, Kairi is our standout character of the Lupinrangers. While Umika and Touma quickly come to treat each other as family, Kairi continues to distance himself. He’s that bit out of place with them, given the differences on his connection to the person he lost. He’s also way more willing to kill them for his goal. And also shot his brother extremely willingly. Kairi are you sure you’re not just annoyed you didn’t get to kill him yourself?

She’s the phantom thief everyone’s talking about. Umika is so sweet and a genuinely nice person having to do something bad for the sake of someone she loves. She’s a really nice character in this setting and brings a great balance to the team, especially with how chaotic Kairi is. I really love Umika, and at the start of the series she’s got this very genuine fear of Sakuya hitting on her. It’s the kind of reaction you will genuinely get from women by being a creepy. Then she randomly stops hating him and I have no idea why.

He’s the team dad, all that holds his terrible children together. Also he hates cops so much. Honestly it seems that throughout the series he’s the one who gets along with the Patrangers the least. We can respect that.

Flipping French Fellow Favours Front Flips in Fights. Noel is such a fun character and boy does he flip everywhere. I think he got lost on his way to ultraman try outs.

It’s the angry one. Keiichirou is the genuine big brother type who wants to make the world a better place and wants to help those going down the wrong path. Though he’s also just such an angry man and I can’t remember why he hates the Lupins so much other than they’re phantom thieves and he’s a cop. I do appreciate him getting a reason to be tied into the gangler situation later on.

I like Tsukasa and she’s got some good character moments. I personally like her best of all the Patrangers. However, I don’t think she had as strong character as Umika did. We got a bit of backstory and she likes cute things but I don’t remember much else.

This one sucks. All good points of Sakuya’s character just get overshadowed by what an absolute creep he is to Umika. He never lays off it and it seems to pay off for him. We get some interesting parts of his backstory but it’s completely overshadowed by his current actions.

I ultimately recommend LvP as long as you can deal with senseless filler and Sakuya’s existence. It’s a good show otherwise.

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