
Ultraman Nexus

Publication Date: 26/05/2019


Nexus is not an edgy dark ultra, it is most simply an ultra about hope and being able find hope when things aren’t good. It’s about finding that hope without losing your grip on reality and without denying the truth. It’s not here to say life is bad or pointless, it wants hope to be found even in the darkest.

I fell in love with this show pretty instantly and honestly I can’t pinpoint why, but that love didn’t go.

Nexus faces one of those subjects that seems to be a centre for a certain kind of series, where we face a national, or international, issue and the Japanese Government decides that they don’t want to panic the citizens so they’ll cover up the entire thing no matter how big it is. They’re just going to erase what happened from people and people wont face the truth, families will be left with unanswered questions. People who try to force the truth to light will be silenced. Nexus addresses why they want to do this and it makes sense but in the end we naturally have issues with these things being hidden from us.

Spoilers are going to be here as I talk about the characters.

Jun is my dad. Jun is such a good guy and he’s coming in as someone who’s been at the worst and is starting to get better. When he thought he’d seen the worst of humanity, he found happiness, only to be met with humanity’s very worst yet again. He fell into a dark place and is now recovering and knows this is going to be worth it. He’s trying so hard to protect Komon from going down the path he did.

I really like Jun’s story though, I know we compare it with Eiji but I feel it hit a lot harder because of how close we see Jun was to her and we get this very real thing of how as a war zone photographer you can’t be close to a subject. The way Jun disconnects when taking photos of the scene and how it absolutely breaks him to realise what has happened. It really helps to highlight the moral ethical issues of war zone photography from multiple angles. Even going into how he inspires others and how him inspiring others has an effect on himself as well as them. I feel it’s a brilliant look to take and it works because of the depth they took into looking at what happened.

Oh god he’s so cute and young here

Ren is our second ultra and filled to the brim with fake positivity. Ren is in a way in the same vein as Jun; he knows things are bad, he has no reason to be hopeful, but he wants to enjoy the world as much as he can. He doesn’t want to be locked away with nothing, he wants to experience the world and do something. Ren, sadly, doesn’t love himself though, and is too willing to take all the hurt of the world. He deserves better.

Nagi is such an interesting character in the face of this. When we meet her, she is solid power and hatred. Every action she takes is fuelled by her hatred and wanting revenge. For a time, she’s the counter to Jun; telling Komon to harness his hatred instead of his love as it’s what will give him the power to defeat the beasts, instead of using his interest in saving people and love for humanity. We get to watch her grow and change to be someone who’s starting to move on even though she’s still struggling.

Komon is our series protagonist who is being thrown into this all. He’s just having to learn it, he’s now having to face the cruelty the world has to offer, and make the decisions about who he’s going to be. If he wants to use his hatred towards beasts, or do what he’s always done and try to protect people. Komon is closer to our every man for the audience as he can put doubt on the actions of TLT and if what they’re doing is right.

Please watch Nexus, it’s worth it and inspired a scene in Evangelion 2.22. You’re Welcome.

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