
Ultraman Orb

Publication Date: 13/01/2019


Despite the desperate heterosexual undertones of this show, this entire thing was just a messy breakup story. Gai and Juggler are both so damn petty and drag everyone into their business. Also Gai is real bad at hiding he’s ultraman, I swear whoever makes those “I’m Ultraman” shirts is making a fortune off these idiots.

I love SSP also, I love that tiny team so much.

And Juggler. I love a mess.

Honestly, there’s little I can say about Gai otherwise because the show is entirely around him. I love him, he’s real dumb at times, and eats with a burger in both hands. He’s extremely cute.

Please watch Orb and learn how to not handle break ups and feelings of insecurity.

The Earth is round. I’m sure we will run into each other again eventually.

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